A Poem by Alan Paul Collenette
I hate the winter, God I hate the cold
God damn December
and god damn this rain.
Why did I ever like it, was it you?
the hands-in-hands, the sweater that you wore,
the way you laughed at me when I fell down
and lay before you on the sodden ground.
Well, now that season's sneered and slunk away,
And le me with its echo mocking me
Its le me with its windswept grimy streets
its wetness and its hard, unsmiling grey.
Its made me stay behind to smell the rain
And now you haunt this empty broken town
Alan Paul Collenette
Alan Paul Collenette is a writer and a Scottish expatriate. Alan's short stories, poems, essays and articles have appeared in Bust Out, San Francisco Business Times, The Registry and in Writers Digest where he received Honorable Mentions in the 71st Annual Competition in the Genre Short Story and Literary Short Story categories. He is currently working on a historical novel based on the life of John Paul Jones, the legendary Scotsman, and founder of the US Navy.